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Effective Executive Magazine:
The Any Person Movement

The Any Person Movement simply says that any person can choose to take responsibility for his or her decisions and get better at any age. Any person can consciously work to enhance his or her emotions and to better understand other people. Any person can become an effective leader and an effective team member. Any person can be an asset in helping to improve other people’s careers. Any person can invest efforts in observing customers and determining what would be of more appropriate value for the customer through more innovative products and services. Any person can see what is hurting the organization’s brand and offer recommendations. Any person can develop and maintain strong desire, dignity, and optimism at work. All of these intangibles can be developed by any person in an organization.


We need a sea change in how executives and managers view employees. We need a movement. I’m calling this The Any Person Movement. It simply says that any person, regardless of his or her title, income, or authority can make a positive difference in an organization of any size.

A positive difference is doing something that causes your organization to achieve better sustainable results. That ‘something’ could be influencing how other people think, building a more effective team, innovating a new product or service, strengthening the brand, developing a strategy, improving daily execution, listening empathetically, encouraging another person, delivering great customer service, solving a significant problem, and so on.

A negative difference is doing something that causes your organization to achieve less than what it otherwise would have done.


Powering on Potential, Change in how executives and managers view employees, Product or service, strengthening the brand, Developing a strategy, Improving daily execution, Listening empathetically.